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Geraldine Cherry, RN, BBA, Administrator


HealthCare Plus is partnered with the State Home and Community Based Long Term Care Wavier programs to provided comprehensive individualized plans of care to the meet the daily need of the elderly, disable and handicapped individuals wanting to remain in their homes. Our service area includes four rural counties in the heart of the Mississippi Delta.


HealthCare Plus provides Personal Care Services (PCS) through the Mississippi Medicaid Elderly and Disabled Waiver Program. The services provided are non-medical support services to assist individuals in meeting daily living needs and ensure optimal functioning at home and/or in the community.  Services provided to individuals would require the level of care found in a nursing facility which may include assistance with eating, bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, and activities of daily living.  Housekeeping chores may be provided if the care is essential to the health and welfare of the individual.  Personal care services also involve hands-on assistance or cuing/prompting the individual to perform a task; accompanying and assisting the individual in accessing community resources and participating in community activities.  The personal care attendant can accompany, when medically justified, individuals during transport with transportation provided by the Medicaid Non- Emergency Transportation provider.


​You can be assured – we have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide

Personal Care Services




Clean Bathroom

Clean Patient Room

Clean Kitchen/Wash Dishes


Change Bed Linen


Prepare Foods

Feed Patient


Remind Patient to take Meds

Assist w/Bathing

Assist w/Hair Care/Shampoo

Assist w/Foot Care

Assist w/Back Care

Assist w/Shave

Assist w/Nail/Skin Care

Assist w/Oral Hygiene

In-Home Respite Services

General Companionship

Support/General Supervision

Prepare food

Feed Patient

Remind Patient to take Meds

Clean Patient Room

Assist to Bathroom

Incontinet Change

Assist w/Bathing

Assist w/Hair Care/Shampoo

Assist w/Foot Care

Assist w/Back Care

Assist w/Shave

Assist w/Nail/Skin Care

Assist w/Oral Hygiene

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